About Us

The Little Colorado River Valley Astronomy Club (lcrvac) is a charitable non-profit 501c3 organization located in East-Central Arizona. Club members provide science & astronomy public & educational outreach presentations & events. LCRV Astronomy Club is an outreach partner with the Winslow Homolovi Observatory & assists with the park's monthly public night sky outreach events April thru November. There are specific club-centric events, as well.

Club Officers - Elections are held every January

  • President - Bill Wood

  • VP - Bill Wood

  • Secretary - Bill Wood

  • Treasurer - Bill Wood


  • Primary membership is $24/year. Associate membership is $12. Donations fund club & observatory projects & are tax deductible. Contact info@lcrvac.org for more info.

  • Share the sky with the public. Many have never looked through a telescope before. Monthly astronomy events are hosted at the Homolovi State Park visitor center & observatory. If you have a scope bring it out & share your eyepiece views.

  • Access to the Winslow Homolovi Observatory & the 14" Moore f/11 SCT for visual observing & imaging. Access is scheduled with a dome & telescope operator.

  • Hands-on opportunities to become certified in the operation of the dome, mount, & telescope during our monthly public astro events in Winslow AZ. Certification qualifies solo access to the dome & telescope during unscheduled times.

  • Meetings & presentations are scheduled the first Saturday, each quarter. Club members exchange tips, tricks, & new techniques to enhance their visual observing & astro imaging skills. Location to be announced for January meeting.

  • Loaner access to club telescopes, cameras, & accessories. A number of club & observatory items are for sale. Proceeds fund observatory maintenance & upgrades.

  • Access to members only Fall Star Party in the high country near Green's Peak in the Arizona White Mountains. Unlimited tent camping & RV boondocking at 9.000'. Bortle 1 skies far away from any lights & way above the thick part of the atmosphere. 2025 dates to be announced.

  • Free membership in the Astronomical League. Includes the monthly astronomical magazine "The Reflector". Access to 50+ observing programs. AL Store & vendor discounts. Astronomy and Sky & Telescope magazine subscriptions.

  • An online monthly newsletter, "What's up?"

  • Access to Star Ranch Imaging Observatory, Snowflake AZ.